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Videos don't grow on trees, but they might on Vine

You may, or may not, have heard about the brand new mini-movie making service that has the backing of social media giant Twitter. After all, it’s not just public relations agencies like ourselves that keep abreast with the latest developments.
If you haven’t, though, then don’t worry- Vine is a name everyone is likely to hear a lot more about in the coming year, and so by getting up to speed now in effect you’re already ahead of the pack. The platform allows people to take very short videos (maximum six seconds) on their phones, add some finishing touches and then upload for other users to enjoy. So what?
It certainly sounds rather familiar, and limited. The whole concept works in the same way as Instagram, and this isn’t the only application to focus on video. But there is a difference- Vine’s functionality is arguably superior. Mobile cameras start to roll with the touch of a button, and continue until you take your finger off the screen, the idea being to make it far easier for non-Spielberg’s to control exactly what they want to take. Better yet, from there it’s possible to stitch various shots together, opening up a world of creative possibilities, from stop motion to montages.
Vine is already available as a standalone application through Apple’s App Store, and its launch is certainly something to keep an eye on, despite news from the camp in question suggesting more than a few teething problems have surfaced, with three instances of service interruption or reduced functionality since go-live last week. Still, with video set to continue growing in importance when it comes to web content we’re more than sure people will soon be investigating en masse, once these niggles have been ironed out.


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