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Can your public relations agency use Twitter smarter?

The Value of Twitter for a PR

Public relations agency

The value of Twitter to professionals at any public relations agency seems self-explanatory. But in an increasingly fast-paced ‘on-demand’ world, the question is how can we further use the platform to our advantage?

According to recent research, 71% of Twitter users are reading news on the platform. Social media content is the most popular form of online news, used by 44% of adults. We’re digesting, sharing, and engaging with media articles at an increasingly rapid rate.

Twitter is a virtual space for brands to experiment with their audience, try new tactics and innovations. It’s now more important than ever for those working in the social media, public relations and communication realm to be ahead of the Twitter game.

We’ve compiled three Twitter ‘must dos’ for every public relations agency in Manchester and nationwide. You can find more social media agency insights throughout our blog.

Interpret the views of the nation
Social media can reflect the mood of the nation and members of the Twitter community certainly aren’t afraid to express how they feel.

Take the 2018 World Cup for example. England did better than expected and their run for glory, combined with freakishly hot weather, made an unforgettable British summer. The mood was reflected on social media, with brands such as Ikea and Budweiser leveraging football results to create witty, humourous content designed to capture the attention of the Twitter audience.

Alternatively, Listerine’s influencer marketing advert last year sparked fury across social media channels. A post by an influencer on Instagram soon made its way to Twitter, receiving a huge backlash from consumers about the ridiculousness of the scene portrayed. One tweet from an angry onlooker received 20,000 retweets. Following this, the story made national news, with online publications capturing the tweets and quoting them in the article.

Public relations agency

Twitter is the ideal platform for those working in PR to build lasting relationships with journalists. It might not be feasible to turn up at the newsroom of the Daily Mail every day, but it’s possible to talk to journalists through Twitter.

Like Response Source, journalists are regularly using Twitter to search for case studies, data and research. It’s a public relations agency goldmine.

It’s the bread and butter of what we do, but pitching new ideas, sharing research, or simply passing on your well-wishes to a journalist is the perfect way to build vital partnerships.

Have an active voice
Don’t be shy. Don’t be afraid to express an opinion, but remember who you follow on Twitter and who follows you. Twitter is a public space, and what you say impacts you, your clients and your reputation within the industry.

Follow creative accounts for inspiration, attend leading industry events and amplify your presence on Twitter. It will make all the difference!


Follow the Guns on Twitter, and if you’re looking for a public relations agency or social media consultation, please get in touch with [email protected]

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