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Travel PR month begins at Smoking Gun PR

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Here at Manchester’s most ingenious award winning public relations agency we pride ourselves on being masters of various sectors. A far cry from the average Jack Of All Trades.
As anyone who is familiar with our client roster will understand, our digital PR and marketing team are experts at Consumer PR, Homes and Interiors PR, Food PR, Social Media Marketing and Pet PR. Amongst other things. And our well seasoned traditional press maestros have similarly comprehensive understandings of these fields, and a few more besides.
With this in mind we have begun dedicating four week periods to specific industries that we work closely with, meaning clients and other companies can rely on us to give them the low down of the top publications currently covering their business interests, the most influential bloggers on the net and some of the finest campaigns that have been developed to try and promote others working in the same discipline.
As it’s summer holiday season we thought it would be a good idea to focus on Travel PR as the immediate future unfolds, beginning with today and a few questions to our readers. As time passes we’ll be giving you our own opinions on which titles are worthy of press trips, which tastemakers simply can’t be ignored, and the brands that are constantly breaking new ground when it comes to advertising, drumming up coverage and selling themselves to the Great British Public, but we also want to know your views too.
So, let’s get the ball rolling with a few questions…
Which travel companies have you been impressed by when it comes to marketing, advertising, promotion and development of a brand identity?
What travel magazines, B2B and B2C, do you think carry the most clout, and have the biggest impact on the all-important decision makers, from corporate agents to heads of the family, in turn pointing them in the direction of airlines, package holiday firms and independent websites to book jaunts and junkets?
Who are the key online influencers that any travel firm needs to get on side if they want to maximise reach and exposure in the ever-changing world of blogs, social media advocates, spokespeople, and trendsetters?
Needless to say, we wouldn’t be asking without a few ideas ourselves, but let us know if you have any via the comments form below, and look out for our first post in the forthcoming series, looking at key print and online publications it would be a crime to overlook.

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