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This month in the Smoking Gun study

Did you hear the one about the Manchester-based PR firm that, through sheer ingenuity, made it into the top 30 national agencies in only six years? No? allow us to digress.
The last few weeks have brought celebrations aplenty here on Bridge Street. After winning both the Best Media Relations gong at the PR Moment Awards and Best B2C Marketing Campaign at the Prolific North Awards for Silentnight, we’re up for another two in the shape of Best Consumer Campaign and Best Media Relations at the PRCA Dare North awards, again thanks to our efforts in the world of sleep.
Not bad by half, the news doesn’t end there, either. PR Week has just released its authoritative list of the finest industry experts in the land, based on annual company figures, with Smoking Gun PR ranking in the consumer Top 30, and Top 150 overall. Talk about a success story.
Aside from such accolades, we’re delighted to be welcoming LED Hut to the Smoking Gun family. Established in 2011 as a five person start up, the lighting specialist has grown exponentially since, and is bringing us in for a 12 month campaign aimed at raising awareness of the benefits offered by LEDs. Prepare to be illuminated then.
Elsewhere, three new clients are also preparing to come on board, albeit we can’t announce many details at the moment. Safe to say we’re absolutely thrilled, though, with a pair of household brand names and one renowned destination about to start calling on our integrated PR and social media marketing services. Watch this space for more details as and when we can reveal.
Our staff have been busy with all manner of extra-curricular activities, too, from training to talks and conferences, with no sign of a break anytime soon. MD Rick Guttridge, for example, will be on the round table of experts at the forthcoming #PRSL16 Marketing Masterclass, scheduled to take place at the Radisson Blue Edwardian Manchester, on 24th May- further proof of our desire to share knowledge and expertise. Or, to put all of the above another, far shorter way, since the last time you were here it’s been very much business as usual- more trophies, more new work, and more thought leadership. Now, let’s leave it at that.
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