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The power of dreams

We’ve said it before, and will no doubt say it again. To be successful at public relations you have to think outside the salesmanship box. People want to buy things, of course, but they also enjoy engaging on a more informal level.
It would seem the brains inside Honda’s marketing head agree too. Which is a relief, as we’d be disappointed if the automobile giant ignored the mantra we live by as a well respected PR agency in Manchester. Self worth to one side, let’s have a look at what they’ve done.
In an age ruled by apps big businesses are increasingly relying on mobile technology to hold an audience captive. Now the Japanese car manufacturer has shown the watching world how this is really done by launching a new TV campaign, driven by a revolutionary new smartfone application.
The animated ad features various characters that, via an iPhone equipped with the required software, can be ‘grabbed’ off the screen, and given a new home, Tamagotchi style, inside the mobile device. We’ve embedded the video below to give you a better insight into this innovative idea, but let’s just say that ‘This Unpredictable Life’, as the campaign is called, is a fine example of asking for nothing (it’s a free download), and getting plenty back (your brand, in their pocket). Food for thought to say the least…

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