Things you need to know
We were shocked… when the Government decided to draft up its own press regulation legislation following the Leveson inquiry, angering many investigative journalism outlets. Not least The Economist and New Statesman.
We were surprised… at The Telegraph’s announcement earlier this week that a subscription will now be charged in order to view more than 20 articles per month. We’ll see how that impacts on readership in the not-so-distant future.
We were impressed…. to hear The Mail On Sunday is increasing its entertainment content by replacing the Live supplement with Event. This new 80-page pull-out includes a sizeable 22-pages of critical reviews and articles. Look out for our review of it’s first edition mid-April.
We were depressed… when the Scotsman and Scotland On Sunday announced 30 job losses as circulation levels fell to half of what they were in 2007. We weren’t too surprised, though, given last month’s newsletter on the plight of regional press.
We laughed when… a UK MP took to Twitter and accused the BBC of speculating over the new Pope’s race after the broadcaster asked if smoke above the Vatican would turn white or black. Needless to say, so did millions of other people.
Things you need to see
‘We Didn’t Own An ipad’ is currently top of the UK viral chart according to The Guardian, with 1,636,087 views since March 8th. Not exactly original, nevertheless more than a few people are talking about it.
As referenced in this month’s story about Corporate Social Responsibility, we recently helped launch the Kumho Tyres Cash For Causes campaign. Our client’s infographic, below, proves the potential business benefits of such projects.