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The Huffington Post UK launches while opinions split

For years it has been a by-word for quality, citizen-based, independent journalism. Writers wanted to blog for it, and the public- in the US at least- were keen to read it.
Even after AOL bought out The Huffington Post public perceptions of the title didn’t particularly falter. And it has continued to grow on an international scale, which is why it’s currently one of the top English news sites in the world, and continues to be a reference point, if not essential reading, for those after current affairs that can be easily digested with breakfast. And now it has launched a UK based sister site.
So a couple of weeks ago various members of the British media attended an event in celebration of this new web domain, though as this well worked video from The Drum goes to show, whether or not the newest national news outlet will have a positive impact on the market is really down to opinion. That’s no doubt partly due to the $105million lawsuit that was filed against the title in April of this year by contributors claiming the owners were abusing writers by profiting without paying for content.
In contrast the counter argument is that more plurality will always be a good thing, especially when it comes in the form of something that’s this close to professionalism. Throw in the fact that over the Atlantic this is one of the more irreverent voices in the market (something Britain is perhaps less lacking in) and there’s plenty you could be thankful for. But we’ll let you decide, so here are comments from representatives of The Observer, Press Gazzette, and New Statesman, to name but three. Have a watch and then let us know your own thoughts on the new The Huffington Post UK.

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