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The Blagger's Blog – Ryanair's referendum offer, meat-eating vegans, terrorist #PRFail

A weekly roundup of media news, sans effort

aeroport de carcassonne en pays cathare - salveza- ryanair Boeing 737-8AS EI-DHS (cn 33580/1807)

Quote of the week

“Vote Leave must be getting really desperate if they are now objecting to low fare air travel for British citizens.”

yanair boss Michael O’Leary, after the Vote Leave campaign for the EU referendum reported his airline to the police for breaching bribery laws by offering discounted flights to people wanting to come back to the UK to have their say in the upcoming decision.

Weekly High

Making us laugh so hard this week gluten free, non-dairy milkshake might as well have come gushing from our nostrils is this little video that poses the question what if meat eaters acted like vegans. It’s had more than 2.5million hits in a matter of days, suggesting we’re not the only ones who get it.


Weekly Low

It seems fake terror alerts are a theme this week. Sunday’s Manchester United v Bournemouth had to be postponed after what turned out to be a replica bomb was found, having been left at Old Trafford after a training exercise. Not great, even that blunder pales into insignificance compared to a fake terrorist assault on a luxury hotel in Cannes last Friday, mid-film festival. Armed men stormed the Hotel du Cap, scaring guests and staff alike, before it became clear this was really a PR stunt promoting an internet company. We don’t really get the connection, and the hotel’s spokesperson put it best: “A bad joke- a really bad one.”


Stories to keep an eye on

Manchester has just sworn in its first openly gay Lord Mayor.

Facebook has introduced a new Live Video map, which can visualise the location of feeds on the network via a map of the world. 

Iceland has abandoned its celebrity focus for ads and instead turned its attention to mummy vloggers.

Just in case you missed it

This week we have been considering the possible repercussions of Google penalising bloggers for not clarifying when content has been created as a direct result of a freebie, and what that means for online publishing in general.

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