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The Blagger's Blog – Matt LeBlanc, VR arcades, dog diners and McDs' salads

A weekly roundup of media news, sans effort


Quote of the week

“When an actor says that line, does it have that authority?” Steve Berry, former Top Gear co-presenter in the early-90s, commenting on the decision to give Matt ‘Joey From Friends’ LeBlanc a role in front of the camera when the petrol-head show returns to BBC TV.

Weekly High

Dogs Trust is attempting to raise awareness about forthcoming changes to microchip laws in England, which will mean K9 owners could face a fine of up to £500 if they don’t have their pup chipped or allow registered details to become out of date. In order to spread the message, the public can book themselves, a significant other, and their Best Friend In The World, in for dinner at a dog-friendly diner, where chefs have created a special menu aimed at mutts and purebreds alike. Tables are available over Valentine’s weekend only, and cost £12 per head.

Weekly Low

According to headlines, McDonalds salads actually have a higher calorie count than a Big Mac, which doesn’t do much for the ailing fast food chain’s attempt to promote a healthy image.


Stories To Keep An Eye On

Google has replaced its outgoing chief of search with an artificial intelligence expert, John Giannandrea, as the tech giant looks to progress its work in the field of machine learning- eventually hoping to revolutionise the way search engines work and generally scare anyone who has seen Terminator (1 or 2) to death.

The Scotsman, one of Scotland’s most respected papers, is looking at potential staff strikes as the parent company, Johnston Press, is expected to axe 30 jobs.

Los Angeles is set to open what we believe will be the first ever virtual reality video game arcade. Which is pretty cool. 

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