A weekly roundup of media news, sans effort
Quote of the week
“When an actor says that line, does it have that authority?” Steve Berry, former Top Gear co-presenter in the early-90s, commenting on the decision to give Matt ‘Joey From Friends’ LeBlanc a role in front of the camera when the petrol-head show returns to BBC TV.
Weekly High
Dogs Trust is attempting to raise awareness about forthcoming changes to microchip laws in England, which will mean K9 owners could face a fine of up to £500 if they don’t have their pup chipped or allow registered details to become out of date. In order to spread the message, the public can book themselves, a significant other, and their Best Friend In The World, in for dinner at a dog-friendly diner, where chefs have created a special menu aimed at mutts and purebreds alike. Tables are available over Valentine’s weekend only, and cost £12 per head.
Weekly Low
According to headlines, McDonalds salads actually have a higher calorie count than a Big Mac, which doesn’t do much for the ailing fast food chain’s attempt to promote a healthy image.
Stories To Keep An Eye On