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The Blagger's Blog – Clarkson blows up own home, Missing Type, Twin Tower mattress fail

A weekly roundup of media news, sans effort

Quote of the week

“It’s just typical Clarkson isn’t it. Any normal person would get in people to take it apart conventionally, but he blows it up.”

One of Jeremy Clarkson’s neighbours, commenting on the TV presenter’s decision to demolish his own home by way of an explosion, rather than simply bulldozing it down.


The NHS Blood and Transplant ‘missing type’ campaign has returned to Britain’s streets, with the number of new organ and blood donors doubling in just seven days after the relaunch. The initial push, last year, was so successful the same concept is being rolled out in more than 20 other countries during 2016.

Weekly low

9/11 may have been 15 years ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s OK for brands to use the tragedy as a marketing tool. Miracle Mattress in the U.S. begs to differ, though, hence launching a ‘Twin Towers’ sale this month, and knocking down two stacks of mattresses to get the message across. Some times you really do have to wonder, or just say #PRFail.

Stories to keep an eye on

LinkedIn has introduced a new conversion tracking tool, so you can now see just how much good your profile is doing your business.

The latest issue of Design Exchange magazine was launched this week, which is one of the first examples of an Augmented Reality print title we’ve ever heard about.

Hotel giant Hilton has unveiled a new app, which acts as a personal travel guide for guests.

Just in case you missed us

The latest edition of our monthly newsletter came out this week- in this issue we look at what brands can learn from Team GB, offer readers a complete social media update, consider the creative outpouring that followed the launch of London’s Night Tube, look back at our work for Silentnight, and share all the latest in-house news.

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