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The Blagger's Blog – Bake Off, Note 7 fires, what girls mags should look like

A weekly roundup of media news, sans effort

Quote of the week

        “It looks as though the Great British Bake Off costs, for one hour of television, £500,000… that is ten times what one edition of Question Time costs.”

Question Time presenter and all round broadcasting hero David Dimbleby, waxing lyrical on the imminent departure of Great British Bake Off from BBC to Channel 4 once the current series has run its course.

Weekly high


In a bid to try and show publishers where they are going wrong, and remind them that this is actually 2016, the 21st Century and all that, graphic designer Katherine Young has made her own version of the cover for teen girl magazine Girls’ Life, clarifying just how sexist the UK media still is. Commendable.

Weekly low


You have to feel a bit sorry for Samsung. The firm has spent ages developing its new Note 7 device, only to then find out that the nifty gadget uses a battery that has a habit of catching fire, even if you decide to put the waterproof technology to the test. Cue a lot of embarrassment, a mass recall, and a tarnished reputation in one of the most competitive consumer industries out there.

Stories to keep an eye on

LinkedIn has introduced a new conversion tracking tool, so you can now see just how much good your profile is doing your business.

The latest issue of Design Exchange magazine was launched this week, which is one of the first examples of an Augmented Reality print title we’ve ever heard about.

Hotel giant Hilton has unveiled a new app, which acts as a personal travel guide for guests.

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