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The Blagger's Blog August 19th 2011

A weekly roundup of talking points, sans effort

Worth the paper it’s printed on?

Last week there were…
… 18 articles printed after Jeremy Irons said ‘any woman worth her weight in salt’ should be fine with a man touching her bottom, but Warren Jeffs, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was convicted on child sex charges and just 17 stories made it onto pages…
… Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie visited Richmond and 7 pieces ran, whereas Umar Patek was extradited to Jakarta, Indonesia, as a suspected conspirator in the 2002 Bali bombings and no more than 6 articles were written…
… and finally Gordon Ramsey has been dropped as the face of Gordon’s gin, a decision that formed the crux of 3 stories, which is the same amount of headlines that were taken up by Pfizer as the company began paying out to victims of meningitis drug trials in Nigeria.
Weekly high:
In a move that’s so bold it’s bound to have an impact US clothing brand Abercrombie & Fitch announced stars of the hit US trash TV series Jersey Shore will be paid not to wear items from its collection; now there’s a talking point if ever we saw one.

Weekly low:
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie show Britain exactly how to live in an age of austerity by chartering their own Virgin Trains service from London to Glasgow, only to be greeted by a fleet of silver people carriers sitting in wait on the platform. Costing has not been made public.

Battle of the Tweets: Manchester vs London vs Washington D.C.
Top Manchester #tags (seven days to 18/8/2011)

#mufc #mcfc

#motd #3words

#manchester #replacebandnameswithpancakes

#arsenal #win


Well everything seems very much back to business as usual in Manchester this week. Football is top of the agenda then, with Match of the Day back on TV, United’s constant buzz, City’s increasing limelight, and the move of Samir Nasri from Arsenal to the latter looking likely. Elsewhere lots of people seem to be having ‘fun’ replacing parts of titles with random words, while others are taking the haiku to another level with three word messages.
One to watch: McrFinest (Manchester’s Finest – Independent business, style, event news for Manchester; 1,185 followers / 1,228 updates)
Top London #tags (seven days to 18/8/2011)

#arsenal #3words

#londonriots #afc

#riots #lfc

#motd #liesivetoldmyparents

In contrast to what went on elsewhere the recent riots were significantly more widespread in London, and as such still high on the tweeting agenda. Of course the English Premier League kicked off last week, ensuring more than a few teams appear, though the most significant from outside the capital to appear is Liverpool, a trend no doubt boosted by the current campaign for full disclosure of all government documents relating to the Hillsborough disaster.
One to watch: herring1967 (Richard Herring – Comedian & Writer; 64,790 followers / 21,143 updates)
Top Washington D.C. #tags (seven days to 18/8/2011)

#3words #dc

#p2 #iastrawpoll

#overthesummer #ames

#mynextboo #wmata


While America’s seat of power can indulge in the same time-wasting activities as anyone else (#3words), there are, of course, other pressing matters, not least local football favourites the Redskins. On top of that there’s plenty of activity around the p2 #, which, in case anyone was wondering, is an umbrella tag used to highlight information of interest to stateside progressives.
One to watch: donirvine (Don Irvine – Chairman of Accuracy in Media providing examples of media bias and politically incorrect lunacy; 5,952 followers / 17,733 updates).
That was The Blagger’s Blog, a selection of statements, statistics and noteworthy newsies from across the media and social world, amalgamated, allowing the time-starved professional to start a conversation from thin air.
If there is a success story, blunder, or tweeting town you’d like to see included email [email protected] or tweet using #blaggersblog. Happy Friday!

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