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The Blagger's Blog August 12th 2011

A weekly roundup of talking points, sans effort

Worth the paper it’s printed on?
Last week there were…
…24 articles on the alleged corruption within Cleveland’s police force that has resulted in the chief constable and deputy being arrested, while X Factor songstress Cher Lloyd hit number one with Swagger Jagger and made almost as many headlines- 20 to be exact…
…Vince Cable responded to the Hargreaves copyright review concerning digital content and illegal filesharing and 23 stories ran, with Jim Carrey’s new popcorn release, Mr Popper’s Penguins, also grabbing 23 articles…
…and finally human rights groups threatened to boycott the Gibson inquiry, which investigates British complicity in torture, and 18 stories were published, just one more than the number that covered Sally Bercow’s potential involvement in Celebrity Big Brother, which appeared in 17 pieces.
Weekly high:
Wrangler launches a new interactive campaign via its European website. Mark Your Territory explores the way people interact with their environment through activities and street art, and allows you to control the movements of characters featured in the video footage. Click and drag to see people draw on Perspex, dip their head into a bucket of cold water, and jump off some steps. Here’s the website.

Weekly low:
Levi’s pulls proposed ad campaign, ‘Go Forth’, in the wake of UK rioting. The TV and cinema commercial was filmed in Berlin on May Day, a day of organised, peaceful political protest, and was designed to emphasise the clothing brand’s youthful energy. Now it has been postponed in a gesture of sensitivity to those caught up in the recent English unrest, which is a shame, as it’s a great piece of work.
Battle of the Tweets: Manchester vs London vs Melbourne
Top Manchester #tags (seven days to 11/8/2011)

#manchesterriots #mufc

#manchester #scholeslegend

#riots #mcfc

#riotcleanup #ukriots


In contrast to the soft news focus last time round this week is dominated by the riots that have rocked England’s major cities. Though not as violent or widespread as those in London, Tuesday saw Manchester experience serious civil unrest, with Wednesday’s display of community spirit during the cleanup also a talking point, while tributes pour in for United’s now retired Paul Scholes.

One to watch: designshack (Design Shack– Daily news and inspiration for designers; 13,533 followers / 3,966 updates)
Top London #tags (seven days to 11/8/2011)

#riotcleanup #tottenham

#riots #prayforlondon

#ukriots #enfield

#london #hackney


What a week in the capital, with widespread violence having revealed an uglier side to British life. Hotspots like Tottenham and Enfield understandably make appearances, as do the more positive messages of solidarity and a desire to make things right, or at least clean again. Meanwhile, in more upbeat news, Manchester United won the Community Shield, making more than a few Londoners happy.
One to watch: ftfinancenews (FT– Financial Times news on banks, insurance, property and financial services; 182,478 followers / 16,812 updates)
Top Melbourne #tags (seven days to 11/8/2011)

#masterchef #qanda

#census #whatiwishthecensusasked

#melbourne #prayforlondon

#afldonsswans #asylumseekers


Everyone in Australia’s capital of understated cool seems to be obsessed with one great British export- Masterchef. On top of that support for the plight of Londoners is being voiced, and on August 9th the country held it’s 16th census, marking 100 years of census taking on the world’s largest singular landmass, with some people adding what they think are funny suggestions for future surveys.
One to watch: problogger (Darren Rowse –I blog about Twitter and tweet about blogging; 145,560 followers /29,118 updates)
That was The Blagger’s Blog, a selection of statements, statistics and noteworthy newsies from across the media and social world, amalgamated, allowing the time-starved professional to start a conversation from thin air.
If there is a success story, blunder, or tweeting town you’d like to see included email [email protected] or tweet using #blaggersblog. Happy Friday!

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