Quote of the week
“If they don’t clear up after their dog I’ll pop out of the hedge and say ‘excuse me, could you please clean up after your dog. You’re being filmed, if you clean up the film will be deleted straight away – if not you’ll be posted on my Facebook page for people to identify and then you’ll be reported to the police??? The ‘Turdinator’
Weekly High
When the UK indulges and becomes extremely patriotic. Yes, you guessed it, the start of the Great British Bake Off. With over a whopping 10 million people tuning in, the first episode of the new series was the most watched opener in the show’s history.
From moist cracks to hollywood lookalikes, the online community was definitely warming their puns in the oven ready for the show.
This week’s low:
#TubeStrikes hit London this week and the UK went crazy. To lighten things up and to keep travellers from going potty, a few brands jumped on the social media band waggon, pitching in to help commuters beat the strikes.
Stories To Keep An Eye On
Facebook does a Periscope and launches live streaming, but only for famous people. The question is how famous do you have to be? Would a Towie star suffice? Just wondering…
Incase you missed it, check out this BBC news presenter casually brushing her hair live on TV. When a hair is out of place a girls gotta’ do what a girls gotta do!