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The Blagger's Blog 4th September 2015


Quote of the week

“Some of the best things that I ever sold on Ebay, I bought on Ebay – just for way less.” Entrepreneur Sophia Amoruso, who owns the Nasty Girl vintage fashion store, which began on eBay. We thought it was appropriate given eBay turns 20 years young today. Happy Birthday eBay! Thanks for all the bargains.

Weekly High

It seems strange to choose our weekly high as the picture of a Syrian infant’s drowned body washed up on a beach. Hear us out, though. Although we decided not to feature it here for reasons of sensitivity, of all the media activity of late nothing compares to that poignant piece of photojournalism, which sent shockwaves around the world. Last night we watched three news broadcasts containing references to a ‘refugee’ rather than ‘migrant’ crisis. This morning people are predicting David Cameron will finally agree to Britain taking in some of those escaping war zones. There’s a shift in opinion towards the ongoing tragedy in the air, and with high quality reportage from the frontline it’s going to be hard to stop that change now it has begun. 


Weekly Low

Air Canada landed uncomfortably this week (ahem) when a technical glitch offered customers a flight pass for the Western U.S. or Canada for $800. The actual cost of the 10 business class trips that this covers is more like $8,000. The airline is now being taken to court by customers who are accusing it of not fulfilling promises and- to put it simply- backing out of a fair deal. Either way it’s proof that without good tech these days a firm can easily get into a lot of trouble.


Stories To Keep An Eye On

Contributoria, The Guardian’s crowd-funded platform for journalism, is closing today. All work published will be available in an archive, with 787 stories making it to ‘print’, and the writers earning over £260,000 in collectively. 

Rebekah Brooks has been cleared of phone hacking allegations and is set to return to head up Ruper Murdoch’s UK newspaper empire, with former-Telegraph editor Tony Gallagher set to take position as editor of The Sun.

Brands that aggressively push visitors to their mobile websites to download an app will fail Google’s ‘mobile friendly’ test from 1st November.

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