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The Blagger's Blog 2nd October 2015

Your weekly digest of media news and talking points, sans effort

Quote of the week

“A Ukip MEP said I would have little in common with consumers of food. … I do eat food and much of it is produced by British farmers.??? Shadow Environment Minister, Kerry McCarthy, talking to the Labour Party Conference in Brighton this week.

Weekly High

Proof, if it were needed, that it’s never too early to tie in an advert with next year’s World Cup, Belgian condom brand Love Condom is currently running the following advert with one stark message: If you don’t want to spend 2016’s tournament in the maternity ward, not watching the footy, it’s probably wise to rubber up.

Weekly Low

It might look like we’re late to the party, as the crux of this week’s #PRfail is old news now. Stay with us, though. VW fitted ‘defeat software’ to its vehicles, meaning they would pass emissions tests even though they shouldn’t. The world found out last week, our MD, Rick Guttridge, commented on it here, but the biggest low point of all is that consumers have lost faith not just in the German manufacturer, but the auto industry in general.

Stories To Keep An Eye On

The BBC is currently preparing plans to make a Doctor Who spin-off series, which is apparently targeted at teenage fans of The Hunger Games.

Starbucks is about to launch ‘mobile ordering’ in the UK, whereby customers can use a smartphone app to ensure their beverage is ready when they arrive in store, minimising queuing time.

Just In Case You Missed It

The latest issue of the Smoking Gun newsletter is now out. In this edition we’re looking the important of planning for the future in light of recent historic scandals, why LinkedIn is great for B2C marketers, whether Facebook Notes is worth looking into, and the best hijack marketing campaigns. All of which is in addition to our usual roundup of in-house news.

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