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The Blagger's Blog 26th July 2013

A weekly roundup of talking points, sans effort


Thought for the week

NEWS OUTLETS: trying to gauge how enthused the British public are about the royal baby? Use this handy flow diagram.” @angryflatcap, discussing the image above via Twitter on Monday

Weekly high

Keen to show off its credentials as a genuine high street innovator, British fashion house French Connection has launched a new ‘From Sketch to Shop’ campaign, showing customers the many stages their clothes go through before hitting the rails, using naked models in the process. Ooh la la indeed.

Weekly low

After comments were made suggesting the Church of England would be involved in a mission to aid credit unions, in turn putting pay day loan companies out of business, it’s unsurprising that the Most Reverend Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, feels so embarrassed now news has hit that the CoE has actually been indirectly funding Wonga.


Things that might happen in the next week…

4,000 Post Office workers will strike on Monday, July 29th. Fire Brigades the country over are beginning to take steps to safeguard against industrial action being proposed for this summer. A Los Angeles park will be closed for at least one week after a squirrel was found to be carrying the plague.

Just in case you missed it…

LinkedIn has just launched ‘sponsored updates’, allowing companies to increase their exposure on the network’s news feed. Read the full story here.
If there is a success story, blunder, or news event you’d like to see included email or tweet using #blaggersblog. Happy Friday!

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