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The Blagger's Blog 21st June 2013

A weekly roundup of talking points, sans effort


Thought for the week

Brazil woke up. The youth are going to the street, the workers as well, to construct a new fight. We are changing the history of this country. We are going to construct a new politics where people have a voice and go to the street to demand this.” Paulo Henrique Lima, one of the key organisers behind protests in Brazil, which saw over 1million people hit the streets to voice anger and outrage against police and political corruption, low public spending, and the high level of investment being made ahead of the Word Cup next year.

Weekly high

With M. Night Shyamalan’s underwhelming After Earth currently doing the rounds at UK cinemas this spoof video, which asks what dating would be like if it went along the same lines as one of the director’s films, understandably caught our eye. Especially as we’re growing pretty sick and tired of the whole ‘fooled you’ concept too.

Weekly low

As anyone with an interest in entertainment will have heard, the acting hero James Gandolfini- best know as Tony Soprano in The Sopranos- sadly died of a heart attach in Rome. As one of the on-screen greats of his generation, understandably there has been an outpouring of emotion, and several tribute videos are doing the rounds as we speak. Here’s the best.


Things that might happen in the next week…

America, Britain, and Western continental Europe may decide to send arms to Syria over the next few days, in support of rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime as a way of ‘levelling the playing field’. On Tuesday, Sir Mervyn King will attend a select committee session on May 2013’s Inflation Report. And, also on Tuesday, the Leeds Digital Festival will take place at Dukes Studios, celebrating creative thinking in the Yorkshire city.

Just in case you missed it…

Facebook has announced a brand new update to Instagram, which looks to be a direct competitor to Twitter’s Vine as the photo sharing and editing app will now offer video functionality. Read the full story here.
If there is a success story, blunder, or news event you’d like to see included email or tweet using #blaggersblog. Happy Friday!

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