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The Blagger's Blog 21st August 2015


Quote of the week

“You’re saying: ‘You don’t get what everybody else gets. You have to go shop up by the tyre section.” Melissa McCarthy commenting on plus-size sections in women’s clothes shops.

Weekly High

Controversial and elusive street artist Banksy has come up with what can only be described as Disneyland in a most twisted nightmare. The ‘theme park’, Dismaland, includes a decrepit princess’ castle, the aftermath of a horrific accident involving Cindarella’s coach (encircled by rabid paparazzi), and boats filled with migrants surrounded by floating dead bodies. It opens tomorrow in Weston-super-Mare.

Weekly Low

“That’s why I find myself praying for a real storm. It’s why I can relate, metaphorically, to the residents of New Orleans climbing onto their rooftops and begging for help and waving their arms and lurching toward rescue helicopters.??? Chicago Tribune reporter Kristen McQueary commenting on how the Windy City needs to ‘hit the reset button’. Suffice to say, the notion went down like a led balloon in N’awleans, Chi-Town, and with anyone who understands why bad taste is, err, bad.



Stories To Keep An Eye On

Samsung has revealed details of its rival to the Apple Watch.

The Guardian, Metro,Daily Star and Express websites all saw record numbers of visitors in July, according to the latest Audit Bureau of Circulation figures.

Twitter has doubled its ad reach to give advertisers access to 700million users.

Just in case you missed it

This week on the Smoking Gun PR blog we’ve been sharing the Facebook tips you didn’t know existed, take a look here.

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