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The Blagger's Blog 17th February 2012

A weekly roundup of talking points, sans effort

Worth the paper it’s printed on?

Last week’s light news success stories included…
…Adele winning six Grammy Awards, which made 79 stories, whereas five journalists from The Sun, and three others, were arrested on charges of bribery and corruption and only 45 picked up on it…
…Merry Streep who won a BAFTA for her role as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady, and grabbed 61 pieces, more than the 58 that ran on Greek protests against even more austerity measures…
…and finally, Jean Dujardin winning a BAFTA for his performance in The Actor, with 29 headlines grabbed, whilst ConservativeHome website criticised the proposed health reforms and no more than 32 articles appeared.
(Source: Journalisted)

Weekly high

UbiSoft, developers of games like Rayman and Assassin’s Creed, celebrate 25 years in the industry this year. As you’d expect they have an impressive mini-game for you to play, which involves firing one of their famous animated, fang-toothed rabbits out of a canon, and across Google Earth from one of the company’s international studios. Click here for the game.

Weekly low

Platinum, but troubled music star Whitney Houston died last weekend. When news like that hits more often than not the artist sees a boost in posthumous sales, so it would appear a little cynical, if not morally bankrupt, for the record label to increase the price of two of her albums. Sony did, before apologising for the ‘accident’. Come on, the industry’s surely not that desperate yet.

Battle of the tweets: Manchester vs London vs Calgary

Top Manchester #tags (seven days to 16/2/2012)

#mufc #mcfc

#lfc #weallgotthatonefriend

#manchester #grammys

#valentinesday #thingsthatpissmeoffingeneral

#ripwhitneyhouston #takemeout

Manchester’s tweeters have shown their sentimental side this week, and no we don’t mean #thingsthatpissmeoffingeneral. Whitney Houston’s untimely death is recognised respectfully, whilst Valentine’s Days also makes a loving appearance.
Top London #tags (seven days to 16/2/2012)

#grammys #lfc

#mufc #weallgotthatonefriend

#arsenal #thingsthatpissmeoffingeneral

#bafta #thingsthatpissmeoffinthemorning

#afc #girlsshould

In contrast to up north Londoners seem relatively uninterested in bad news, or the biggest night in American music. Instead they appear to be quite #pissedoff about a few things, and preoccupied with Britain’s own BAFTA film and TV awards.
Top Calgary, Canada #tags (seven days to 16/2/2012)

#yyc #grammys

#flames #calgary

#canucks #leafs

#thinnestsportingbooks #yycpkn

It’s unclear whether Twitter users in the Canadian city have been listing sports publications with the fewest pages, or worst plotlines, but either way we have a few to add. Elsewhere #YYC, Calgary’s airport, is one of the best in North America, with the #flames the local hockey team.
That was The Blagger’s Blog, a selection of statements, statistics and noteworthy newsies from across the media and social world, amalgamated, allowing the time-starved professional to start a conversation from thin air.
If there is a success story, blunder, or tweeting town you’d like to see included email [email protected]or tweet using #blaggersblog. Happy Friday!

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