Quote of the week
“Please tell me this is a prank. Cos if it isn’t, @edsheeran has a really bad picture of a lion on his chest FOREVER.” Keane frontman Tom Chaplin, commenting on the latest celebrity inking, pictured above. Why, Ed?
Weekly High
There’s nothing like a good parody to sell a product. Evidently Three Mobile agrees, hence this Blair Witch Project – Muppets hybrid used to show off the features of the new LG4 handset. It’s actually quite scary in parts, and very funny.
Weekly Low
Pen-manufacturing giant Bic rather foolishly posted this on its Facebook Page in a misguided attempt to get involved with South Africa’s National Women’s Day. Worse still, the ensuing apology including a link to the site where the awful quote was found, wherein the word ‘women’ is spelt wrong, and all the advice focuses on ‘using man smarts’ to get ahead in business. Hence the hashtag #sorrynotsorry. In addition to a huge backlash online, we imagine Bic is also bracing itself for a massive bill to get all those glass ceilings cleaned up.
Stories To Keep An Eye On
Periscope, Twitter’s live streaming app, now has 10million users after just months on the market.
Just in case you missed it