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Successful Entrepreneurs Take Action Says the Bald Man in a Van

There is a huge difference between having a great idea and actually turning
it into a business. That huge difference comes in the form of something that
successful entrepreneurs know all about – taking action.
I was reading an article by James Caan from Dragon’s Den recently and he
said the following, ” Five per cent of being an entrepreneur is about the
idea and mindset, the rest is about taking action and accountability.”
5 % is about the idea!
The rest is about taking action.
And as a Performance Specialist who helps people to perform at their best
and get the most out of their life, I know that this is the number one
reason why most people fail to achieve what they really want in their life.
I meet people all the time who have great ideas. They talk about them, they
think about them, they dream about them but unfortunately they very rarely
do anything about them.
Being an entrepreneur is all about taking action. It is about taking
consistent action towards your goals and dreams.
Being an entrepreneur is about taking an idea from your imagination and
turning it into a reality.
And the magical bridge between the two is ACTION.
One major reason why many fail to take the action required to turn their
goals and dreams into a reality is because it can be uncomfortable.  It may
involve doing things you have not done before, stepping outside your comfort
zone, facing your fears and taking risks.
What many people end up doing is putting off the most important actions they
need to take (because these are often the most uncomfortable) and filling
their time with things that are easy and ‘comfortable’.
Successful entrepreneurs on the other hand do the things that are necessary
to get them to where they want to be, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
Taking massive action is a habit of theirs. They do the most important
things first. Then the other tasks just become a breeze.
So what have you been putting off recently?
Make a list of all the important tasks you need to do, as in the most
uncomfortable things and do the biggest and ugliest one first! The
incredible momentum you will gain from doing this will be well worth the
slight pain you may feel.
Make a habit of getting outside your comfort zone because everything great
you want to achieve in your life is just slightly outside your comfort zone,
so that is where you need to be.
Your habits determine the majority of the results in your life. Make sure
taking big actions is a habit of yours and you will undoubtedly be a
If you want to learn more about being your best and also how I am getting
out of my comfort zone, visit my website to find out
about my UK Tour, where I will be travelling across the UK in a van with a
goal to inspire a million people to make the most out of their life. The tour
starts May 16th 2010.
Wishing you a super day,
“Bald Man in a Van”

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