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Social Media Surgery Offers Manchester Businesses £5k Worth Of Free Social Media Help

Are you confused by tweets and uncomfortable about fan pages then go to The Social Media Surgery.  It’s a free monthly event that attempts to help Manchester businesses embrace the social media revolution in order to grow their company, and is part of the outreach work of the popular Manchester Social Media Cafe network.

Social Media Surgery's Chi-chi Ekweozor

The Surgery is organised on a voluntary basis by Chi-chi Ekweozor, director of Real Fresh TV, the social media training and consultancy firm.

Taking place on the second Tuesday of every month at Innospace on Chorlton Street it offers real life advice and case studies from an experienced panel of digital and social media marketers.

In our opinion social media is a vital tool for any business and learning how best to use it strategically can be a challenge. SME’s in particular, often find social media appealing as many of the tools are free, but remember you only get out what you put in and so you need to invest the man hours if you want to make it work.

The next Social Media Surgery is on April 13 and the theme of the event is: ‘Is Twitter any good for marketing?’ On offer is up to £5,000 worth of expertise and knowledge in the form of advice from the experienced panel. The Social Media Surgeons at this event include:

Simon Wharton of search engine specialists, Adrian Slatcher from Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), Louise Bolotin a freelance journalist who has worked for the BBC among others and Bruce Thomas from social media agency Modern English, with the evening will be chaired by Jon Clements from PR firm Staniforth.

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