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Simply unmissable

Much like our weekly Friday morning Blagger’s Blog, we scour the web to keep you informed of the best, hilarious and occasionally useful content distracting us right now!
How to turn a page with a hamster and a hairdryer. What last year would look like if social media controlled the news. It’s amazing what you find on the internet in just one month. These are some of our recent favourites.
Statistic of the month
The average American teenager sends 75 text messages per day.
Cult clips
This Google-produced short detailing 2012‘s highs and lows ranked Number 1 in the viral charts. Yes it’s over-sentimental, but it’s also quite well made…

…in contrast the equivalent video from electronic card and ‘sendable’ manufacturer Jib Jab pokes a lot more fun, and is probably far more accurate.

Sometimes even reading a newspaper is too much effort. With the help of this handy, easy to install invention such pains will become a thing of the past.
Multimedia resumes are nothing new in the creative industries. Here’s one done properly by Eileen Sweeney, and yes, there is another detailing her experience.

Infographic of the month
Social media gives us a wonderful insight into what individuals think the burning issues are, not the mass media news agenda. As this informative image proves.

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