Behold the web’s finest, in their embeddable glory, with video clips only visible from the air, a hip hop toddler, and London’s time-lapsed Olympic preparations, amongst other delights.
Statistic of the month
YouTube receives around ten years’ worth of video uploads per day.
Cult Clips
Writing huge messages on fields that can be seen from the air is nothing new, but BA’s Olympics stunt, unveiled beneath a major UK flightpath last week, is still rather impressive.
The latest, greatest face in rap isn’t any of the names currently gracing our airwaves. Enter Max the infant milk lover, his amusing clip, and half a million views in just over seven days.
The Olympic Games arrive next month, and with that in mind it’s not surprising this time-lapse video of the site in East London has proved so popular.
Infographic of the month
We’re always commenting on how video is the future of online, and this handy image, pieced together by TechWelkin, summarises our point perfectly.