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Simply unmissable 10

Statistic of the month
The internet reaches 70% of Western Europe’s population.

Cult Clips
Fans of the X Factor may have noticed repeated use of the word ‘cabaret’ in a derogatory manner, i.e. ‘it’s a bit too cabaret’. Here’s the response to Gary Barlow’s comments, which pushed the filmmakers one step too far.

Open-eyed Twitter users will recognise the #firstworldproblems which is being used as part of the Water Is Life campaign. Here’s the video to accompany the charity’s push, which has made over 1million people take a step back and think.

Thanks to our new client The Kennel Club we’ve been privy to some rather impressive dog action in the last few weeks, including this social documentary about a typical day in the life of a loyal hound. Insightful stuff to say the least.

God bless perfume advert parodies, what with the strange nature of scented TV commercials. The latest Brad Pitt stint for Chanel  is a classic example, and this spoof treats it perfectly. That it also features a dog is pure coincidence. Honest.

Infographic of the month
As it’s All Hallow’s Eve and all we thought it only fitting to draw some attention to this terrifyingly interesting (ahem) image based explanation on the growing industry surrounding the spookiest day of the year.Source:

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