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Recently here at Smoking Gun HQ

They say that in February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret. For everyone here at Manchester’s most innovative PR and social media agency there’s actually plenty to celebrate, too. Six award nominations, enough new business to forgot that B-word, staff promotions and new aims for the coming months.

Let’s start with the most important stuff, then. Smoking Gun has been shortlisted in no less than six categories at this year’s PRmoment Awards.

So we’re in the running for Consumer PR Campaign of the Year thanks to Silentnight’s Eco Mattress, Health/Pharma Campaign of the Year as a result of MSD Animal Health’s Big Flea Project; and both Health, Beauty Retail & Fashion Marketing Communications Campaign and Media Relations Campaign of the Year.

All of which is in addition to Consumer PR Agency and Boutique Agency of the Year. Needless to say we were delighted. Hence making this video to celebrate.

There’s no smoke without fire, or commendations without effort, of course. Unsurprisingly, then, it has been a very busy time in the office, both on current client work and new pitches. Despite Brexit looming its rather uncertain head our Manchester base has welcomed a plethora of prospects in recent weeks. Watch this space for announcements very soon.

Our efforts have helped bag significant exposure for our beloved brands as per usual, too.  Arriva clocked up more TV mileage on ITV whilst the CEO of one of our FMCG clients enjoyed yet more invaluable national TV exposure on Sky TV. 

Our agency also got behind a new industry initiative alongside Manchester Digital, with MD Rick Guttridge asked to chair the team tasked with promoting  the benefits of the city-region’s communications sector, on a national level. Important work to say the least. And no less than two members of staff have earned themselves promotions as a result of their incredible input. As such we now have a new Senior Account Director and Account Manager.


What to be part of next month’s story? Get in touch.


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    Our Awards

    Why stop at global stardom and incredible sales? When our clients work with us, they get the silverware to boot. We’re not into tooting our own horns, but the awards we’ve won with our clients are too good to miss…