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October 2012 in the Smoking Gun study

The last four weeks have been typified by one thing, hard work, which doesn’t often translate into great in-house news. Not to worry, though, we are also currently celebrating a new client win, closing a national competition, and congratulating the academic success of a recent addition to our fold.
To start with the most immediate news and The Kennel Club has appointed Smoking Gun to handle an integrated PR and social media campaign from our Spinningfields base. The idea being to promote the forthcoming Discover Dogs event, which will be held at Earl’s Court, London on November 10th and 11th.
So the team have been busy developing Facebook apps, and finding the finest K9 talent in the land to take part in the Crufts Factor contest, with a little help from Britain’s Got Talent winner Ashleigh Butler. Meanwhile, Simon Cowell’s production crew will also be at the venue, selecting candidates for a new show featuring the best man’s best friend has to offer. As such watch this space for dancing animals.
Onto more campaign news and today is the last chance to vote in the Kumho Tyres Cash For Causes competition. Bude Sea Pool still holds the top spot to grab £2,000 in prize money, though it’s not too late for that to change, with the runner up organisation also bagging £1,000. A host of charities and community groups are in the running, so deciding which to back isn’t easy, but well worth the effort.
Elsewhere in the office and Anne-Marie Bailey, our latest Account Executive, has deservedly been informed she will graduate from her MA in Public Relations with Merit, for details on how she managed to impress our own MD Rick Guttridge, landing a desk on Quay Street, and those responsible for marking her academic work read our newsletter story, How to blog a job in PR.
Overall then plenty to talk about, albeit all in an honest day’s work. Looking ahead and things look even busier than ever over the impending month, with preparation for 2013 already well underway if not in place for a host of exciting projects. As per usual we’re eager to get started on them all, meaning you can expect more news worthy of a peruse in the not-too-distant future.

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