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November 2012 in the Smoking Gun study

December’s coming, and faster than we’d like. Because with pitches abound, a brand new project for an international client, and a host of event appearances, nobody in this office has had any time to start their Christmas shopping.
First up it’s our pleasure not to announce a rather secretive campaign we’re currently in charge of. A Premier League brand has given us responsibility for its global social media presence, which is exciting news to say the least, though given the nature of this work divulging more would be inappropriate.
A major goal for our team, it’s part of the reason we’ve been turning down opportunities to pitch recently as diaries swelled to breaking point. The result being our eyes are now on the look out for an experienced and innovative, not to mention friendly, consumer and digitally-focused Account Manager who can help with this workload. Non-stand out candidates need not apply.
Here at Quay Street the client list isn’t the only thing that’s changed, either. Improvements to the Smoking Gun PR office space continue, this time by realising our breakout study area, complete with wingback armchairs and a wall full of aged books. We’ll leave the question as to whether the latter are real or not for you to answer next time you’re in the building for one of our famous Greenhalgh’s cakes.
Outside our HQ and as per usual members of the team have been here, there, and everywhere in the name of work. Our newest AD Louise helped inspire future professionals with a talk at MMU’s careers day in central Manchester, whilst Ben was taking in knowledge at a presentation by Coca Cola on their creative routes. All of which is before we mentioned the Pro Manchester event, and not forgetting tonight’s CIPR North West PRide Awards… fingers crossed then, although win or not we have plenty to be getting on with tomorrow.

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