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Night Tube marketing school

With a new 24-7 weekend Underground service now in operation on several lines across the capital, it’s safe to say its streets will never be the same again.
What this means is less need for expensive black cabs to get you home after a night on the tiles, fewer ‘moments’ on night buses and more opportunity to expand the horizons for Friday and Saturday evenings amid the Big Smoke. The response has, so far, been positive, albeit not necessarily amongst Tube drivers themselves, who fought the decision with strikes over pay and conditions.
One thing we didn’t quite expect, though, was the outpouring of creative opportunism inspired by the first journeys made after 1AM over the weekend. Posters, tweets, photographs and guerrilla signage have been appearing across the metropolis, offering an excellent display of just how innovative Britons can be, and getting more than a few names into the press. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite unofficial marketing efforts, take a look below.

Priority seats for the eating of kebabs

Night Tube

You’re not supposed to take food or drink onto public transport- especially if that food and drink consists of a load of pungent meat in bread, with spicy sauce and salad. Nevertheless, two people at agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky London clearly understand that after midnight rules can be less important than stomachs .

The stars in London slide4Artist Lucy Vigrass was one of the first off the mark with her depiction of a Tube map section depicted in twinkles above the city- she actually made it before the Night Tube began. Obviously, it’s not very realistic (think light pollution), but it’s pretty eye-catching, invokes Underground posters from days gone by, and made the nationals.

140-characters speak 1,000 words


Sadiq Khan declared that #Londonisopen on Twitter before boarding the first Night Tube service in the city, but we think other users made a better effort (no offense, Sadiq). Take the London Transport Museum (@ltmusuem), which managed to turn the 24-7 trains into this great piece of content.

Please mind the photoshop 


We’re not entirely sure where this originated from, but it made us laugh out loud. A photo from The Guardian has been adapted and launched into the social media stratosphere, with the rather simple intention of poking fun at all the wild, crazy millennials making the most of middle-of-the-night weekend services.

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