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Nexus 7: Google's impending disaster?

If history has taught the business world one thing it’s that a great company can make big mistakes. And, as news of a potentially troublesome product launch hit our PR agency desks, this point could well be about to be proved true once again.
Nexus 7 is the new tablet computer from Google, which automatically raises a few eyebrows based on marketplace alone, given the number of iPad competitors that have fallen in the past (or at least wound up selling at a cut price). Still, people wondered about the Android mobile OS when it was first introduced thanks to Apple’s dominant iPhone and now half the country or so seem to be using it, meaning there’s nothing to say things won’t follow suit in this instance. Except, that is, for one rather glaring issue, as reported in today’s MediaGuardian.
Content is vital with any media product- look at Sega’s fall against Sony in the PlayStation wars of old for a particularly pronounced example, wherein a newcomer sealed exclusivity deals, ensuring that the former industry leader was left with huge losses and very little options, going on to partner with Microsoft before killing off its hardware manufacturing arm altogether. And, unfortunately for the Nexus, it looks like this same issue may be about to plague it, as users will not be offered TV, magazine, or music as Google has (amazingly) failed to secure any rights.
As such the enormous library of movies and television shows that greets a new iPad user will not be a reality for those opting to invest in this new rival, suggesting there will be some difficulty in ensuring the latter stays competitive. Perhaps worse still, Apple has apparently instructed Asian suppliers to prepare for large orders of a new, 8″ screen tablet, no doubt priced lower than the bigger version, meaning there could well be even more reasons not to bother with the 7″.5 Nexus 7, though we shall have to see once it arrives in our stores from July 19th.

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