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May 2015 in the Smoking Gun Study

After a promising April it’s easy to see May as something of a wash out. That is unless, like us, you’ve been nominated for yet more esteemed accolades, have launched a huge new client campaign, seen a fresh face joining your list of brands, and welcomed back two familiar firms for a pair of exciting projects.
As per usual, then, it’s been a busy time here on Bridge Street, not least since we secured Satsuma Loans as the latest addition to our burgeoning family of financial services clients. The brand falls under the Provident Financial banner- which we already work with- and will be serviced by our good selves, working under a brief to educate consumers, trade and media on all aspects of the business, whilst bringing the company’s identity to life.
Elsewhere, and we’re delighted to once again be working with Red Bull for the company’s latest wakeboarding competition, Harbour Reach, after a hiatus for us in 2014. And we are also welcoming Real Time UK back to our fold as the digital production house makes its first foray into broadcast animation via work on the children’s show, Mummies.
It’s not just new arrivals we’ve been celebrating, either. Silentnight Achievements is a campaign we truly believe in, and not simply because we have launched it. Working with Olympiad and super mum Jo Pavey, we aim to encourage people to focus on good sleep practice as a means to accomplish great things. Take a look at the blog here, which contains a number of success stories, none of which would have been possible without a healthy amount of rest and shut eye.
All of which brings us nicely to perhaps the best news of all. Thanks to our Sleep Matters campaign, also run on behalf of Silentnight, our team is now up for the Best Use of Content Marketing title at the 2015 Big Chip Awards, due to be held at the Midland Hotel here in Manchester at the beginning of July. A clear sign we have mastered this most modern aspect of the job, it should go without saying we’re thrilled to be in the running, with this opportunity making us even more determined to keep delivering great results, day in day out. Forget the weather, then, sometimes good news can appear under grey skies.

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