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Marketing the referendum: The EU campaigns none of us expected

As you have probably picked up on, we are now just weeks away from the biggest socio-economic-political decision the UK has made in decades. Inadvertently referencing The Clash in the process, it seems the country and everyone living here is locked in the tumultuous choice- should we stay or should we go?
One of the biggest criticisms aimed at both the Leave and Remain EU referendum campaigns is a complete lack of information being disseminated to the public. Or at least a complete lack of information being disseminated to the public in an efficient way. The last poll suggested the majority of citizens want to remain, but realistically how many of those fully grasp the ins and outs?
Probably very few, and as such it’s no surprise that as the vote appears on the horizon there are some pretty unusual steps being taken to get the message, or messages, from either camp out, in effect marketing the referendum. Here are a couple we have picked up on in the last few days alone, none of which we were really expecting.
LAD Bible 
LAD Bible, along with its viral rival Uni Lad, are both branching out into longer form, in-depth journalism and opinion pieces of real substance. Perhaps it makes sense then that the ‘Bible is to host homepage takeovers and special editorials to encourage its 16-30 male demographic to at least make sure they’re registered to vote.
If it were as simple as ‘Swipe Right To Stay In’, or ‘Left to Leave’, we would probably be looking at record numbers of voters turning out next month. Sadly that isn’t the case, but nevertheless the dating app is supposedly planning an initiative with campaigning group Bite the Ballot, again the intention being to make sure young people get involved and have their say. This isn’t the first time Tinder has been used politically, either; see also Swipe To Vote, which matched US users up with presidential candidates earlier this year.
We’ve long understood the benefits of time spent in the company of Wetherspoons, now here’s the evidence. The pub giant’s website currently hosts this page, which gives visitors the chance to download PDF articles and stream audio/video content from sources such as BBC, in an attempt at making sure people understand the ins and outs of what the conflicting sides are saying. You can also find out individual opening hours for the pubs, too.

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