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Marketers of the future: What tomorrow’s talent need

Time moves quickly, so quickly it can be difficult to keep up. No sooner have new trends, practices and ways of living emerged they are outmoded. This is never truer than in the world of marketers, media and comms professionals

So what skills will marketers of the future need to survive? Facebook’s Advertising Chief, David Fischer, was interviewed by The Drum on this subject. Here are the key takeouts from what he had to say. 

Storytelling remains essential for marketers


It’s almost a cliche to use the word ‘storytelling’ in a conversation about marketing. Nevertheless, Fischer believes this concept will still be relevant in years to come. Albeit the format is destined to change. 

*Exceptional storytelling will still be a key requirement 

*The ways, places and channels with which to tell stories will continue to evolve 

*AR and VR are prime examples of new platforms for storytelling 

*Consider the Facebook News Feed model, which has dictated brands and publishers develop new ways of storytelling to suit the platform 

Never forget, always be flexible 

Have one foot in the past, understanding the way messages have been successfully delivered before now. Meanwhile, place the other in the future. Be ready to adapt to the dynamism of modern marketing. 

Consumer behaviour is king 

Most of the changes within marketing have come about because of changes to consumer behaviour. This means that using insights is essential to ascertain exactly where consumer expectations sit. 

The key is to be ready to try new things as they become available. Even if that means dipping toes in without a clear plan of action because there are no case studies in existence yet. As Fischer says, “if you think change is hard, try irrelevance.” 

Passion leads to success for young marketers

Fischer ends the interview by offering advice to young marketers. The crux of this comes down to finding what you’re passionate about and jumping in. 

“Marketing is an incredible discipline, it is an incredible career but there are lots of different parts of it. I know this is true for me and it’s true for everyone I’ve met. Do your best in the environment you really love; whether it’s creative or on the media or planning side. Figure out what you love and then learn that craft but always keep an eye on where consumer behaviour is going because that is where you are going to want to reach people.”

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