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March 2019 at Smoking Gun HQ

While delays, indecision and inflexibility have plagued the UK of late, here at Smoking Gun the collective team direction has been clearly defined. An incredible night on one of the industry’s finest red carpets, women in leadership conferences, PRCA media events, meetings at Goldman Sachs and office fundraising for worthwhile causes.

As you may have picked up on, earlier in the month our esteemed experts hit the PRMoment Awards North here in Manchester. Better yet, they didn’t walk away empty handed. Thanks to our exceptional efforts for one of our brands we bagged Health, Beauty, Retail & Fashion Marketing Campaign of the Year and Media Relations Campaign of the Year. A great way to signal the start of spring.

Our staff have also been busy knowledge-building over the last few weeks. MD Rick Guttridge headed to Goldman Sachs’ 10KSmallBusiness Alumni gathering, which focussed on developing corporate growth culture. We were also in attendance at the PRCA World of Media event, where representatives from LadBible, BBC, MEN and Reach, among others, spilled the beans on the latest ideas and innovations in digital.

This is before we come to social media training courtesy of Studio 91 Media at the Google Digital Garage— one of Manchester’s best professional learning assets. Not to mention Kerning The Gap’s first North West meet-up, which celebrated females in leading design and creative roles, while outlining the opportunities for and need to further balance the scales.  

It hasn’t been all take, take, take either. Our fearless leader again offered his advice to PR students at Manchester Metropolitan University, a leading media institute. And we delivered a ‘tone of voice’ workshop to one of our favourite clients, making sure they understand the importance of a strong identity on social media.  

Most giving of all, though, was what happened on Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day. A sponsored early finish on Friday raised enough cash to pay for some 500 malaria tests. Just another sign of our interest in charitable work, long-since proven by way of our previous record for excellent not-for-profit campaigns.

As we look towards April, then, the landscape is packed with potential and exciting prospects. A privileged position that comes from almost a decade spent delivering exceptional results, building a stellar reputation as one of the country’s leading digital marketing, social media and PR agencies. With that in mind, here’s to the future.


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