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London 2012 begins (on Twitter)

The Games have yet to begin but already there’s talk of how this year’s Olympics are fast becoming the first ever to fully make use of those 140-character statements. And, as with anything social media related, the results have so far been rather mixed.
Athletes have complained via Twitter about finding their accommodation and ease of access into and out of London, though given the fact this is one of the most notoriously congested cities in the world you’d think someone would have warned them. Elsewhere things have been more positive though, with The Guardian reporting today how praise has been lauded on the UK’s media focus, which could well make this the most accessible instalment in the event’s modern history.
Whether that’s true or not what’s important is that competitors appear to be far more comfortable with the platform than ever before, at least in terms of using it to communicate their personal thoughts and feelings. Better yet, those in charge are welcoming this uptake, though there will no doubt be reprisals if any sponsored message are discovered given the current climate surrounding covert advertising on the network in question.
One thing is for sure, the BBC has exclusive coverage rights in Britain, and have made it possible for people to tune in to all the disciplines thanks to the magic of that red button and digital technology, which is quite an achievement considering the sheer scale of the tournament, with this the first time in its history that we can pick and choose from the full sporting menu. We’ll also be keeping an eye on social media, PR and marketing stunts during the Games too, so watch this space over the next month for a professional slant on all this hype and hyperbole. Exciting times.

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