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Living dolls: 10 Mannequin Challenge clips you need to see

It’s this year’s Harlem Shake, and thankfully less painful than the Ice Bucket Challenge. People around the world are pretending to be shop front dummies by freeze framing life, capturing it on camera, and broadcasting the results worldwide. We even got in on the act earlier this month.

To mark that monumental achievement (making a PR office stop for a couple of seconds is what’s commonly known as a minor miracle) and celebrate the best of the rest, we’ve whittled things down to 10 Mannequin Challenges you need to see. Best be striking those poses then.
The Other Guys
In our ever-humble opinion the Mannequin Challenge started way back in 2010, when Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg made the hilarious buddy-buddy cop comedy, The Other Guys. As such we’re awarding this clip an A in terms of originality- it remains one the finest nights out ever committed to screen.

The film references don’t end there. Music star Ludicris is currently shooting new movie Ride, which is presumably about BMX culture given the following has emerged from set. Definitely one of the best in terms of sheer volume of things to look and laugh at, we love it.

EDM star Marshmello may look a little silly with his huge sugary head, but he’s massive in the States. As this sold out show at the cavernous Shrine auditorium in Los Angeles proves, which became the site of the largest Mannequin Challenge we’ve seen thus far.

Dogs across the globe
As our 2016 roundup of Christmas adverts evidences dogs are incredibly enthusiastic when it comes to getting involved in pop culture, and the Mannequin Challenge appears to be high on their agenda at the moment, if this compilation of K9 contenders is much to go by.

8 year olds
Ahhh, bless. A U.S. schoolteacher was watching some kids in her class play freeze tag when she got the idea for this Mannequin Challenge attempt. The children might not be quite as polished as grown ups (and animals), but you definitely can’t fault them for effort.
Alabama Football
The web is overflowing with challenges performed by sports teams, from Little League to the English Conference, but this behind the scenes look at an Alabama changing room after a win is probably the most detailed and well produced we’ve come across.
X Factor
Ever wondered what goes on in the hallowed corridors of X Factor after the proper cameras stop rolling live on ITV? The iconic show decided to unveil this digital exclusive a couple of weeks back, and so far has racked up almost half a million views. We can see why.

After unveiling its new UK Flagship Store in London, everyone’s favourite yellow plastic people and building block brand decided to mark the occasion by partaking in a bit of ‘everyone freeze’. The finished product is definitely one of our favourites to date.

The frustration here is that someone has evidently decided to use a phone from 2006 to film the footage. That gripe aside, this is the most physiologically impressive, with half the people involved stuck in muscle-straining, back-breaking positions. Excellent stuff.
Smoking Gun PR
Last but definitely not least is this little ditty, which comes from Manchester’s most ingenious public relations pros (ahem). Offering a little insight into what it’s like to be best of the very best when it comes to media expertise, we hope you’ll agree this is every bit as accomplished as our campaigns.

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