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January 2015 in the Smoking Gun study

With sub-zero daytime temperatures having become the norm it’s a good thing we’ve been too busy to go outside. From an award nomination, to two new members of staff and one addition to our retained client list, it’s any wonder we’ve had time to catch our icy breath.
First up, and we’re proud to confirm that after a successful project for the firm, we’re looking forward to continuing our work with Holt Lloyd International, the firm behind several prominent auto care brands including the Prestone range of products. As such watch this space- and our social channels- for ingenious work over the coming months.
No sooner has the year started and the Smoking Gun team has been nominated for the first award of 2015. We’re up for Best PR and Marketing Agency of the Year at the City of Manchester Business Awards (COMBA), with 50% of the overall outcome based on online votes. The ceremony is set for Manchester Cathedral on Thursday 26th March, and polls close 20th February, so if you fancy boosting our chances click here to have a say in what happens.
Thanks to our successful 2014, with growth in every area, the last few months have seen us embark on another recruitment drive, meaning we now have two new faces to introduce. Annie Morris joins us as Account Executive, adding yet more talent to our burgeoning fold, meanwhile Emma Beard has also been welcomed to Bridge Street, taking up a new role as publicist.
On top of all that, the Magnet Trade Community Champions campaign has just begun, which we’re proud to be spearheading. A classic example of corporate social responsibility in action, the idea is simple but effective. The public can currently nominate a cause in their local area (click here to take part), and Magnet Trade stores across the country select which are shortlisted. Then, from 1st March, the public votes on a favourite, and the most popular from each region receives £1,000, before another vote awards an overall winner with a further £1,000.
Plenty to talk about, then, and this is before we mention our own gestures of goodwill. Every year we donate a percentage of our profits to the Starlight Unit at Wythenshawe Hospital, which assists seriously ill children, and were honoured to receive a letter of thanks for our efforts in the last 12 months, with a number of new saturation units paid for by these proceeds.
Meanwhile, our #YuleLove campaign succeeded in generating funds for Wood Street Mission, with £1 given for every picture tweeted using our company Christmas card, in turn raising awareness for the worthy cause. Again, we were delighted to be sent a note of thanks for the initiative. All in all quite the month, we’ll leave you with this excellent staff training video, hand-crafted by our own Kineta Kelsall, proving that we don’t just talk the talk, we definitely walk the walk.

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