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How to get a job in PR

Graeme Anthony has shown immense resourcefulness to create the ultimate honey pot of social media, genuine buzz on forums, blogs, Twitter and thousands of views to his online video in one day. The topic of this hullabaloo is Graeme himself or rather his search for a job.
Having decided to move on from Brazen seeking a fresh challenge but with no job in place, he set about freelancing and he and his partner made the decision to move to London. He knew he had to do something very different to stand out in his job search.
Working with another talented young friend Dan they concocted this whole concept and execution in a day.
We receive many CV’s and get sick of the badly written, incorrectly addressed, non personalised and even underpaid postage efforts. Watch this to see how to do it with aplomb. It’s not perfect but it walks the talk and creates instant interest and leaves the viewer wanting to know more about what he can do – surely the number one objective from any CV?
So London PR bosses, watch the video, check out his blog and then drop him a job offer to [email protected], you won’t be disappointed.

To see the buzz search Twitter for @comms_anarchist  and read what PR week had to say here
ps In the interests of transparency I admit I have a slight vested interest in this story. I hired Graeme or ‘Big G’ as he is affectionately known, into his last job and we worked together for around three years where his hard work and willingness to learn was always apparent. This isn’t just a ‘love in’ however. We had plenty of disagreements and the odd heated word exchanged but we remain in regular contact and I was privileged to get a sneak preview of the video ahead of launch. Good luck G you deserve it.

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