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Fast Food News

So, as April comes to a close, so does this food & drink PR agency’s focus on epicurean wonders (and horrors) from around the globe.
Our favourite food news this week…
US chain Taco Bell is launching an upmarket off shoot – US Taco Co – which will offer fancy, fusion tacos to entice ‘edgy foodies’ looking for more sophisticated ‘fast food’ options.

Tempting menu options of fries with haberno dust, ghost chile ketchup and roasted poblano crema – are somewhat beyond our reach – us being based in gastronomically challenged Manchester… but the charmingly titled ‘Mexican Car Bomb,’ which combines vanilla ice cream, tequila caramel sauce, chocolate flakes and Guinness is something we think we can convince our local Lucha Libre to concoct for us.
Back in the UK, clever design is helping drive innovation in the food packaging industry.  Single use plastics have become so ubiquitous that we buy and dispose of them thoughtlessly everyday (a personal gripe for this smoking gunner).  Last year, America alone used a mind-boggling 50 million plastic water bottles (that’s not even including soft drinks, milk etc). Most of these are not recycled and end up in landfill or ultimately and most tragically, the ocean.
So this edible water bottle seems like a genius, potentially feasible solution.

Ooho!  has been designed by London based students Rodrigo García González and Pierre Paslier and uses an edible, algae membrane to enclose liquid, a little bit like an egg yolk.  It is simple and cheap to produce – plus  you don’t have to eat the membrane as it is biodegradable (we appreciate that algae is not to everyone’s tastes).
Let’s hope this takes off, it would be incredible to see corporate giant like Coca-Cola make it work for the retail market.  We can also see potential for a tequila version – who wouldn’t want to try a squidgy shot of booze encased in lime & salt flavoured algae!

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