As is customary in December, media professionals try to identify the key trends set to emerge in the following year. We’ve gone one better, and compiled the opinions of five experts, who each offer their own thoughts in brief on the matter.
“I think 2013 will be the year that we wake up to the commercial possibilities of collaborative consumption – I can’t wait to see where concepts like Freecycle, Zopa and Netflix take us next.???
Duncan Slater, Director, Original Creative
“Google’s ownership of the search space is an issue we have accepted for now. It’s quickening manipulation of the commercial trading space favouring itself and brands that spend cannot sensibly be ignored by Government for much longer.???
Simon Wharton, Managing Director, Push On
“I think we will see a steady year of modest growth for most digitally-enabled marketing organisations. If you have survived this year you should be in good shape to profit next.???
Mike Carter, Managing Director, Orchard Recruitment
“In 2013 responsible brands will need to be totally transparent about their social responsibility and not just pay lip service to it. I can see more and more of these ambitious and responsible brands partnering really closely with charities to increase fundraising activities. And not just one-offs, but sustained activity.???
Tracey Collinge, Client Director, WRG Brand
“Personally I believe we will begin to see a shift from the brand loyalty displayed towards Apple and its devices. I think 2013 will mark the end of the honeymoon period for Apple’s customers, with economic conditions also dictating consumers shift to other platforms and hardware.???
Peter Cobley, Commercial Director, homejames