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Facebook tips you didn't know existed!

Some of us use Facebook every day but did you know about these hidden features? We’re bringing you quick and easy Facebook tips and tricks that you forgot existed!
1) Export all of your friends’ birthdays to Google Calendar, iCal or Outlook. Just a few clicks and never miss a birthday again! Simply go to Events > Upcoming Events and Birthdays and copy the link, then paste in the URL of your chosen calendar. Job done.
2)  Can’t remember where you saw that post your friend shared with you? Type their name and a   keyword and their name will appear in the results. Take this tip further when travelling, search the location and photos from friends in that location will appear.
3) Did you know? You can post GIFs to Facebook? Take the link from the GIF paste in the status bar, then delete the link. Thats it! Perfect GIFs every time.
4) It’s one thing we never really think about, but knowing the Facebook cover photo size and profile picture size can really make a difference to the quality of the image. Cover photo dimensions are 851px X 315 px and profile pictures are 160px X 160px.
5) See an article on Facebook but don’t have enough hours in the day to read it? Use Facebook’s ‘Save link’ feature. Saved articles will appear in the Saved column on desktop or under the more tab on mobile.
savelink feature
6) Want to add a quick filter on a photo before posting? Make the photo look extra special by swiping left or right on the photo in the Facebook app and pick from the seven filters available.
7) See who’s snooping in your account… go to settings, security, then look to where you’re logged in. Under this link you can see the location of anyone who has ever logged in. If there’s something that you don’t recognise, you can end the session then and there.
8) Turn Facebook upside down or change it to Pirate Speak. Under Account Settings, simply change your language to either English (Upside Down) or English (Pirate). If you ever fancy saying ‘Aye’ rather than boring old ‘yes’ then give this a go.
9) Make an Interest List. These are great when you want to personalise your feed to see brands, websites and restaurants all in one feed. You can either choose to keep your list private or make public. Access Interest Links through the left hand side, click on ‘Interests’, more and ‘Add Interests’.
10) Ever thought about what happens to your social media sites when you die? Facebook has it covered with its Legacy Contact. Under Security Settings you can add a contact to manage your account, once added they’ll be able to pin posts on timelines, respond to new friend requests and update profile pictures.

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