It has barely been two months since we were penning blogs with the intention of introducing our readers to the latest (and potentially greatest in terms of viewing figures) platform for instant, live streamed online broadcasts. How quickly things move on.
Skip back to right here, right now, then, and Facebook Live, whilst still in its infancy, has already created a number of fresh faced digital stars. Just like Periscope, Vine, and YouTube before it, a number of plucky individuals and organisations have rapidly got to grips with exactly what this network within a network can do, and are now pulling in audiences numbering millions.
As we’ve already written on these pages, Facebook Live is at the cutting edge of visualisation too, meaning we can see not only who is broadcasting at any given moment, but where they are broadcasting from, if they have location-related privacy settings switched to public. As such we urge you to check out the map, and tune in to every corner of a planet that’s become very pro-active when it comes to filming itself. Any you discover and think we’ll like please let us know via the comments form below, or alternatively give us a post or tweet on the old socials.
Before all that, though, have a butchers at the following accounts we have been more than impressed with so far. Each of which might just inspire you to think of a new way to exploit the brand marketing possibilities on the world’s number one network.
Body Art – Liz Cook
Based in Dallas, Texas, Liz Cook is one of the most talented tattoo artists we’ve ever seen. There’s something truly mesmerising about watching her ink a new customer, and Smoking Gun PR staff aren’t the only ones who agree. With more than 1million global followers and counting, she’s more than a star in the making.
Caring and sharing – AKA Mom
Two friends, who are also mothers, have taken to giving the world parenting advice. Of sorts. It’s light hearted, and at times absolutely hilarious, and the pair even have their own schedule of mini-programmes including ‘Wheel of Topics’, where viewers are treated to insights into all manner of subjects, and ‘Craft with Crap’. The latter being a bit like Blue Peter, only using stuff you might find in the cupboard under the stairs.
Reading the froth – Tastemade
The coffee specialist has decided to join the growing legions of illustration-based Facebook Live broadcasts, and we’re blown away by the results. Using the cream from latte’s and the like, Tastemade are populating their streams with pictures ‘drawn’ into the drinks themselves, and the talent behind the scenes even take requests.
Time waster – BuzzFeed DIY
Many of us have wondered what it might be like to work in the BuzzFeed office. More than likely words like ‘fun’, ‘lively’ and ‘energetic’ have sprung to mind. But how does the team relax? Well, if this stream is much to go by more than a few of the employees have a penchant for cross stitch and the like- put simply, it’s all about doing things yourself that are crafty and creative, mirroring how the site came to be in the first place.
Sketching out ideas – Bob Draws
Meet Bob. Bob works for Mashable, one of our favourite industry websites. Bob is an illustrator. In the brand’s new Live series, Bob takes requests from the public, and unleashes his own imagination on big sheets of plain white paper, drawing whatever comes into his, and our collective head. It’s as simple as that, and highly effective.
Cute and effective – BarkBox
If you’ve ever spoken to a member of the Smoking Gun team, or read our blog more than a few times, it’s probably clear by now that we love animals- hence Pet PR being one of our specialisms. Imagine our delight when pet kit brand Barkbox set up on Facebook Live then. Largely focussed on introducing audiences to dogs currently living in rescue shelters, it shows them doing tricks, playing with toys and generally being dogs. Amazing!
We’re kind of cheating with this one – Various news agencies
From Reuters to Channel 4 News, there are plenty of major brands experimenting with Facebook Live. From giving viewers uninterrupted footage from a specific press conference (or inquiry), to increasing audiences for traditional studio shows, if you thought the news was all over social already then prepare to be surprised at how much more, not to mention more varied, that presence will become.