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Facebook ads to target based on the articles you ‘Like’ and ‘Share’

Since the ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ functions launched on Facebook five years ago, the social network has been able to see what we have been looking at online.
Starting from next month, ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ buttons hosted on publishers’ sites and apps will start sharing data on how they are being used in Facebook’s ad targeting systems, this will also include Instagram and mobile apps on its ad network.
So, what does this mean for the average Facebook user?
Whenever you share something you like online, be it a news article, app, or something of interest, Facebook will take note, and begin to tailor the ads served to you in a more streamlined, relevant way.
Are you a little skeptical about the privacy element? Especially after the Ashley Madison hack a few weeks ago which saw the extramarital affairs website data being hacked and the group leaked more than 25 gigabytes of company data, including user details. Facebook users can choose to opt out of targeted ads by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance website. However, if you have already made a choice about online interest-based ads you don’t need to do anything. Facebook’s Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, Stephen Deadman told The Drum: “We’ll continue to honour your choice across all of your devices and browsers where you use Facebook.???.

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