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Eight essential tools for digital storytelling

Here on Quay Street we love brand stories, delivering clear corporate messages across a multitude of media to generate comprehensive exposure for clients. Keen to share some wisdom, we compiled this list of top recommended tools- Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ aside- with which to tell tales about your business.

Social media management apps
Available on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones, Seesmic, HootSuite, and TweetDeck et al allow you to communicate via numerous social network accounts at the same time, whilst monitoring keyword trends and hashtag activity.

One of the most innovative online applications currently designed to support Twitter, once you have applied for an invite Twylah takes just minutes to find your tweets, categorise them into subjects, and display on a clean looking web site.

A picture tells a thousand stories and Pinterest focuses on that age old adage, allowing you to pin content to a digital noticeboard, and arrange in an order of your choosing. It’s not an image only idea, but great shots get the best results.
Taking over an online newspaper sounds daunting, but allows you to create a digital title, using information from trusted experts, sourced via their associated Twitter accounts, published daily or weekly to your mailing list.

The most comprehensive and popular blog platform, as used by 48% of the world’s top 100 blogs, lets you establish a hub for any brand identity. Use attention grabbling, unique SEO content to attract readers and improve Google rankings.

In a similar way to, with Storify you build editorial on the back of trusted social media sources, the difference here is those posts are amalgamated into stories of your devising, allowing for bespoke news creation in under 15 minutes.

If you are producing unique video content then simply posting to blogs, Facebook and Twitter isn’t nearly enough. YouTube is the world’s second most used search engine, and should be the first destination for any in-house clips.

The latest blog du jour is more like a social network than WordPress, encouraging engagement. It does lack a comments form though, but with easy email blogging, Facebook publishing, and an emphasis on contributor communities it’s still a winner.

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