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Copywriting v1.2

As we said before, we take our role as a PR agency in Manchester very seriously. That’s why we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive public relations services when it comes to anything from social network marketing to blogging and web writing.
But it’s also our understanding that not everyone’s like us. People are in the business they’re in because that’s what they do best. And for many, Facebook, SEO, Twitter and targeted campaigns are all words that really barely register. So here’s some help lifting a little more of the lid on the key principles of creating online content to make the web work for you.
Fish for fans
‘Link baiting’ is (yet another) new term for an old idea that people are quite excited about. Provide great content for other web publishers and they won’t be able to resist linking to your site, driving traffic to your business.
Hands across the (web) water
Linking to other websites is vital. Not only does this make your content easier to read by nullifying the need to provide in-depth descriptions, it helps build relationships, and can increase your page ranking.
Tags, meta-descriptions and other odd terms
SEO rich copy is only the start. Write a well-worded meta description to post to social networks, and tag categories in your content to make searching easier, and increase what Google et al understand about your site.
Break down content to increase eye-fall
The way a person reads from a screen or sheet of paper isn’t left to right. Take an example from editors, and use lists, well-placed headlines and images to break the page, and keep your audience interested.

Useful headlines, not clever puns
We all like summarising writing with witty words. But online this may not be a good idea. Don’t impress with intelligent innuendos, but consider the headline to be another line for search engines to examine.
Don’t fear Flash, but be wary of it
For a while Flash sites were the most popular new online development. But without a decent web designer, who can code properly, Flash is invisible to most search engines. By all means use it, but do so wisely, with proper advice.

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