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Copywriting – v1.1

Every day we’re fed more and more information about web content. Words account for a large part of what websites are filled with. And while old wisdom suggests writing for search engines is best practice, this is outmoded, and naïve.
As a PR firm specialising in social media and web 2.0 practice, we fight a constant battle to keep up with the latest trends in the field of online marketing. The job of a copywriter was to provide engaging words for target audiences. Now it’s as much about increasing online visibility, and using all techniques available to make Google work for the client.
But it’s not just a case of whether to create copy for search engines or people anymore, it has to serve both. Or, more accurately, both are now one and the same. In short, Google’s own advice is best: “Write content for people and not for search engines.??? But a few keywords, and crafty search friendly techniques never hurt anyone.
Unique content is king
Nobody will bother to access your site unless it’s worth their time. While it’s important to keep up with competitors, you also need to think outside the standard box to grab people’s attention, and keep it.
Keep up with The Joneses
Blogs and sites need to be updated regularly, otherwise there’s no reason for search engines to keep analysing the content. Think weekly, twice weekly or even daily posts and you won’t go far wrong.

Information, not irrelevant words
It’s important to write for your audience’s needs. This will open up more keyword options, so by asking ‘what would they be looking for?’, you will immediately be thinking like Google, and writing like a writer.
Take advantage of technology
There are so many options for content. So think streaming audio and video, downloads and images. Just be sure to tag and caption everything correctly to ensure your media can be ‘read’.
Fish for fans
‘Link baiting’ is (yet another) new term that people are quite excited about. Provide great content for other web publishers and they won’t be able to resist linking to your site, driving traffic your business.

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