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CIM Digital PR Bootcamp – Public Relations measurement and preparing for a crisis

CIM Digital PR Bootcamp at MMU Business School

Last week I enjoyed the opportunity to speak at a Chartered Institute of Marketing event called CIM Digital PR Bootcamp at the impressive MMU Business School.

Rick Guttridge talks PR evaluation for the CIM Digital PR Bootcamp
Rick Guttridge talks PR evaluation for the CIM Digital PR Bootcamp

Organisers asked me to look at two areas; effective measurement and evaluation of modern pubic relations and preparing for a crisis. The latter ended the whole session nicely after myself and Rene Power had shared ideas on effective types of content to use in digital PR, how to distribute and then measure it. The idea being that the greater your profile the higher chance you have of facing some digital reputaional issues.
As promised to the delegates on the day, we’ve made our slides available on slideshare and for ease, below are my two decks for you.
 CIM Digital PR Bootcamp
It can be hard to interpret presentations without the speaker’s context to make it relevant, so please don’t hesitate to call or tweet me @rickguttridge if you have questions.
Many thanks,

CIM Digital PR BootCamp part1 PR Measurement 5 November 2015 from Smoking Gun PR
CIM PR Bootcamp part 2 Crisis Management 5 November from Smoking Gun PR

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