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Brands on social media in 2016

In a recent article from The Guardian, it was reported that social channels have become so called ‘walled gardens’ from fraud and adblockers, and there’s never been a better time to invest in them, because now they’re starting to deliver on traditional media and marketing objectives.
Facebook earned an impressive £3.1bn last year. However traditional media, i.e television, radio and broadcast are still the preferred outlets of choice. Jerry Daykin reported “If there’s any doubt of the continual appeal of traditional media then look no further than the US Super Bowl – any advertiser could have shifted their budget from a single 30 second commercial and instead driven around 80m views on YouTube, enough to make them the most viewed video of the year???.
Before social channels dominate media as much as they do with headlines, there’s still a way to go yet. From this article, we’ve picked some of the top things brands will be doing differently in 2016.
More video, less often
Daykin said, “Video offers a huge opportunity to tell richer stories or even just to better stands out with gentle animation. With more time to shape it, there’s no reason why brands cannot make all their content video in 2016???. When using social media advertising, video usually achieves a lower cost per click when compared to clicks to website adverts, due to the way in which the Facebook bidding algorithm works.
According to We Are Social, four of the world’s six largest social platforms are messaging apps. We’ve probably all received a WhatsApp advertisement in the past, but recent reports predict messaging in social media is set to accelerate, and marketers are yet to make use of the opportunities they bring. Daykin reported, “By the end of 2016 the capabilities of messaging apps, and in turn the transformational opportunities they present to marketers, will be unrecognisable.???
The all-important ‘budget’
In 2016, brands need to accept that social media is an important part of the ‘media mix’, and so need to put applicable budget behind the channel. Daykin said, “An alarmingly high number are trapped in this halfway house on investing in producing content but not being committed enough to truly put scale behind it???. Learn your audience, and plan your budget based on how many consumers you’d need to reach to drive business results.
Where do you see social media heading in 2016?

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