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Boosting Your Pinterest Followers In 5 Minutes or Less – Guest Post

Today we have a guest post from Alex Goodwill, talking us through the key to Pinterest growth for your brand. Enjoy!
Pinterest presents a unique opportunity to both drive traffic and generate leads. The majority of content found on Pinterest boards is actually re-pinned from another user. This means that whenever someone re-pins your content they are effectively sharing it with thousands of other users creating new backlinks for you. Considering Pinterest has well over 20 million unique daily visitors even reaching a very small percentage of those users will bring a tremendous amount of traffic your way.
As you can see, having a good following on your Pinterest profile is essential if you are going to take advantage of the marketing opportunities that this unique social media site presents. The good news is that you can find out how to double your followers in just a few minutes each day thanks to a new infographic on this very subject (Source :
You can get started by fully optimizing your profile . This means you should include a description of yourself and your business,  upload a great profile photo and offer a link to your website. Instead of using a company logo it is better to use a head shot as people prefer interacting with a real person.
Pinterest is of course a very visual tool so your images do need to be interesting and appealing. However, it is not enough to simply keep pinning content. You need to interact with other pinners and that means sharing and commenting. The more you re-pin and comment on other pins the more recognition you will get. It is all about getting your name out there for people to see.
Check out the infographic below and find out more about how to boost your Pinterest following.
pinterest infographic - grow your followers in five minutes

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